Mid-life Without the Crisis

It really isn't the destination, but the journey. May be cliche, but it's true.

Friday, May 24, 2013

What NOT to Do After 40

I've seen several articles in various locations recently about things you shouldn't do after the age of 40: Don't wear your hair long, don't wear mini-skirts, don't wear baby-doll tees, etc. But you know what I say? Don't tell me what to do!

That's one of the benefits of being over 40. By now, we generally know whether we can pull off a mini-skirt (no), a baby-doll tee (maybe) or long hair (yes). That's the whole point of getting older, isn't it? Learning what works and what doesn't and being daring enough to do the things we want.

Besides, I'd rather focus on things to do after 40. Enjoy family more. Embrace who I am. Try new recipes. Read books I enjoy and give a try to those outside my usual fare.

Speaking of books and being over forty, here's one that sounds like it might be fun: 40 Things to Do When You Turn 40

So enjoy who you are and work to make improvements based on your values, not on those of other people.

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