Mid-life Without the Crisis

It really isn't the destination, but the journey. May be cliche, but it's true.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Fun

I've seen several blogs and Facebook posts recently about creating lists.  The Music 30-Day Challenge, the ABC Posts, the Photo 30-Day Challenge, etc.  While I'm not too keen on actually doing any of these (because they always seem to include things I have no interest in) I do like the lists concept.  Lists are fun. 

So I decided to make a list of my Current Favorite Things (not in any particular order, just as I think of them).
  1. Pomegranate Lemonade by Crystal Light
  2. Supernatural on the CW
  3. Fringe on FOX
  4. Bejeweled 3 Butterflies
  5. History 112 (American History since 1877)
  6. Creating playlists in Media Player and on my MP3 player (Next up:  Road Songs)
  7. Learning to crochet
  8. Having a TV in the bedroom so I can watch the shows my hubby hates in peace
  9. The weather (since yesterday)
  10. My house post-spring cleaning
  11. My tweed blazer
  12. Going to the park for a run and finding it nearly empty
  13. My crazy, jumbled, crowded and colorful cork board
  14. Rock bands with awesome female lead singers
  15. Daylight Savings Time
  16. The Exiles
  17. Def Leppard (always a favorite!!)
  18. My Van Gogh "Sunflowers" copy
  19. Phone time with my BFF Angie
  20. Phone time with my daughter Carrie
  21. Phone time with Mom
  22. Blogging about favorite stuff!
Crazy Cork Board
An awesome rock band with female lead singer:


Anonymous said...

I really like your list and I like the pictures :)

J.R. Davis said...

Thanks, sweetie!

Angie Dixon said...

I was all prepared to say, "Hey! How come I'm not on your list of favorite things!"

But I am. Thanks. Our phone time is one of my favorite things, too.

J.R. Davis said...

Of course you are!!