Mid-life Without the Crisis

It really isn't the destination, but the journey. May be cliche, but it's true.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday: Motivational Quotes

I like to keep quotes around that keep me motivated and positive.  I post them on my crazy cork board, my magnetic white board, and cross-stitch them and hang them on my wall.  Here are some of my favorites.  What are some of yours?

  • You are a work in progress.  ~ Runner's World
  • It is not age.  It is not diet.  It is the will to succeed.  ~Jacqueline Gareau, marathoner
  • The vision of a champion is  someone who is drenched in sweat at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.  ~Anson Dorrance, soccer coach
  • Pain is weakness leaving the body.  ~Attributed to Tom Sobal, snowshoer

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